Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How do You Fade Unnatural Hair Dye Colors?

A couple weeks ago I got a streak of my hair dyed green, hoping it would be a light shade because I asked for light green. Well, it turned out forest green and I hated it. People kept telling me that it would fade eventually but I REALLY want it out as quickly as possible. Any suggestions?

What is a nice nickname for Megan or Louise?

My name is Megan Louise but i really don't like Megan, i quite like mimi & lou maybe. but what nicknames is there for me. Please help me because i really hate people calling me megan!!!

What are the pros and cons living near Disney World, Universal, Seaworld (Orlando)?

I live all the way in Oregon and recently I've been thinking of moving to Orlando and being near all the attractions without having to take a plane and also I love staying at the hotels there but would the area make a great place to live?

How do I hide the feather in my hair?

I have a bright blue rooster feather in my hair. I need to hide it because I am going to a con today so how do I hide it I really don't want to take it out!!

Puedo cubrir con gift card en badoo?

Badoo me pide credit caed pero no tengo ni una pero existen las gift cards puedo cubrir con una gift card ?

Does it sound as if my dog's hip is injured/sprained?

I have a really awesome dog named MImi, she's 9-years-old, very healthy black lab/pitbull mix. I got her a new crate for the car so we could go conquer some state parks. We didn't want to put her in the crate while it was on the ground then pick it up. So, he decided to just pick her up and let her get into the crate in the backseat. But when he picked her up, she moved into an awkward position but got into the crate easily and laid down- had a great walk. Afterwards, when putting her back in by myself she seemed to start extended herself to either side, like stretching but it seemed like it was out of discomfort. Got her back home, and I noticed she was doing this a lot and there looks like there's slight swelling near her hips. I'm going to watch her today, seeing as this happened only yesterday, but I'm definitely taking her in to see the vet tomorrow. Any ideas until then?

Horror movie with teens in a department store?

it has to be a 1980's movie, mary beth rubens plays one of the teens who decide to spend the night in a department store owned by one of the teens dad. theirs an ex con who lives in the basement but hes harmless, then the killing starts and it turns out its this other guy who's also an ex con who's inlove with the other ex con. any help

What is wrong with me? Am I really such a weirdo?

i get treeted lyke a owtsider 2 just becuz im bad @ speling ppl think im sum dum persin but im not!!~!1111!!!!!!!!!! wut i do to feel better abowt my self is i blow sum bubblez in my back yard. it sowndz dum but im tellin you it makez me feel 1000X better!!!!!!11111!!!!

Good diet and workout?

Buy Insanity. It will give you an excellent and hard workout(cardio). It also gives you meal plans and a schedule. Go to the pool whenever you can while you do this.

I have a question about English.?

Hi, it's Jim. I am calling because something unexpected has come up. It is about the luncheon meeting that we organized with Jenny and yourself. Jenny has already secured the potential client, ABC company, and in order to complete the contract, she needs a couple more days before arriving here in New York. Since I have to be abroad from next Tuesday through Thursday, I was wondering how it would sound to you if we changed the date to Friday.

Pregunta sobre twodollarclick?

yo tengo cuenta con twodollarclik y estoy pagando membership cada mes puedo hacer cash out porque todo mundo dice que twodollarclick es falso quiero saber es sierto o si o no gracias.

Body harness vs. Neck collar?

Yes, it's fine. A collar/leash can choke a dogs if they pull and you stop it chokes them. A harness is much better because it makes them stop without causing stress to the neck. Then again it is a puppy, puppies do that until you train them. You should leash train your puppy then you won't have those problems anymore. If he pulls just stands and turn around he stars acting up show him you won;'t move unless he walks with you. Then you shouldn't have any problems. But a harness is a whole lot safer and better in my opinion.

What are some tips towards feeling happy again during long term unemployment?

I know the feeling! Honestly the only thing that helped my unemployment depression was finding a job. I get paid just above minimum wage but just getting that pay check every two weeks is wonderful. I love the feeling I get when all the bills are paid and there is a little extra left over! I say keep applying, and don't be afraid to work at a store, restaurant, etc. I wouldn't do fast food but those are just my standards. I actually really like my job (work at Walmart) so you can enjoy a lower end job. Then you might want to think about going back to school. There are thousands of careers, you can be happy and still make money! Consider the short-term first, an example is nursing which takes one year (LPN) and pays up to $20 per hour to start depending on where you live. Also I would recommend not listing your education. Half the time employers won't research that sort of thing. It might hurt your chances. I told Walmart I'd been to college and they didn't even want details, to get hired you just have to be liked. Good luck!

Do diet pills work? people who have used them!?

im looking for facts about diet pills. I DONT wanna know all the cons about what they do to your body, i know those. but everyone who says they dont work, tell what bad effects they have but never tell why they actually dont work. something can work but still have bad effects. so instead of saying "DONT DO pills (blank blank) to your kidney and stunt growth, etc." do they actually help loose weight? id like to know from someone who has used them or one and can say how they did or didnt effect them. and this isnt technically for me to use them im looking for info. and i know diet and excercise IS the best way to loose weight no matter what. thanks ^_^

Unnatural hair colors only for white people?

I was just wondering what people thought of people who are dark skinned/tan or black/african american who dye their hair(entire head) unnatural colors such as blue, pink, red(not that red is unnatural..but you know what i mean). I have really tan skin because i am part american indian. although i am considered white. I've always wondered what it would look like if I, or someone with darker skin were to dye their hair an unnatural color. What is your opinion on this? do you think it only looks good on super white people?

What is the difference between Marsoc or Marines 1st recon?

No one will ever be able to give you an insight as to what MARSOC does because no one but someone who is MARSOC will ever know. Recon is pretty badass but even they can't disclose what they do.

What should my son call his Grandma?

I'm due in August with my first baby (my mother's second grandson). I was looking around for names they could call her. She is 49, and feels to young to be called Grandma/Nana. She likes Mom-mom, but I'd rather she's not called that because it's so close to mommy. My nephew is also too young to really be calling her anything, so it's okay to change her "nickname". She was being called Mimi, but she said she doesn't feel like a Mimi. If there's any suggestions you have, I would greatly appreciate it.

Do i have a female phobia??!?

Ever since I was like 12 years old I have been really nervous around girls. I don't know why, but I always have nothing to say and I feel really awkward when I'm around girls. I feel like its almost unnatural how nervous I get around girls because you would think as i get older the fear would wear off but im 18 and I still feel the same fear as I did when I was 12? What can I do to stop this?

What does this mean.. this girl I know said it..?

I have to temporarily avoid Gloucester road since her dad 'used' to be a con artist back in the day and we met some pissed off people so we had to do a runner! XD

Should i get a corn snake? or a spotted python?

What are the pro's and con's of both species?? I heard that corn snakes are little more faster and more agile and hard to handle but both make great beginner reptiles. So which would you prefer? And which is less, or more expensive?

Cons, Repubs, and Tea-sers, do you know that when you do not answer a question, you agree by default?

And that attacking the asker, trashing another party, or changing the subject obviously shows you're uncomfortable with the REAL answer that you clearly don't want to face?

Necesito ayuda con windows movie maker!?

Lo que sucede es que tengo un video, lo pongo en movie maker pero quiero q de vez en cuando, aunq el video este corriendo, en vez de q salga la imagen del video, salgan fotos, pero aun asi mi voz se siga escuchando, es como tener video y fotos a la misma vez. Alguien me puede ayudar???

Is this girl really mean and rude or is it just my imagination?

It's not your imagination.. She's probably just insecure and needs to make herself feel better and does that by talking about you.. something must be wrong in her life that's the most likely reason. Honestly, if I were you, I would just laugh at her every time she walks by because obviously there's something you're doing to make her "hate" on you . So when she sees it doesn't hurt you maybe she'll get over herself.. and grow up

How much is dinner for two in MiMi's Cafe?

My girlfriend wants me to take her out for dinner and I want to take her out somewhere nice and not fast foody, plus I want to be the one paying all of it please help =(

Why do people keep saying that being gay is unnatural?

I think its perfectly fine to be gay/lesbian. Its just because religions teach people that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Its really just a personal opinion. I have a lesbian in my family. hopefully the marriage laws will change in couple years. In my opinion gay couples are cuter =) just do what you want and forget the people who think its "unnatural" :) Good luck!

Please tell me your review of "La Boheme" (played by either Met or SF Opera)?

I watched both plays at school, and now i wanna know what do you feel about these two. I actually prefer Met to SF, because Mimi's singing is greater in Met one.

When gold is $1150 on September 2nd, will cons blame Obama for their self-created bubble?

All precious metals go up in value when the value of currency goes down. Gold is a good metal because the demand will always be there for it, it has nothing to do with speculation or man created bubble.

HTC Inspire 4G or Samsung Infuse 4G?

So im due for an upgrade on 7/1 and both of these phones are my options. Can you guys please help me i am really stuck on which phone to get. Any pros, cons, data speeds, battery life and things of that nature would be nice to know. Thanks!

What are some good bachelorette/Bachelor party games?

My best friends bachelorette party is in about 2 months! It is a con-joined Bachelor and Bachelorette party and I am trying to come up with some games we can play together as a group with the men and women and some games just for the girls! Any help or suggestions?

Pros and cons of all the World of Warcraft classes?

all of the classes in this game are not perfect, so i want to know your opinion of the pros and cons of all ten classes in worldof warcraft

When gold is $1150 on September 2nd, will cons blame Obama for their self-created bubble?

All precious metals go up in value when the value of currency goes down. Gold is a good metal because the demand will always be there for it, it has nothing to do with speculation or man created bubble.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is Roger from the musical Rent abusive?

He is constantly trying to distance himself from new relationships because of his "baggage" --AIDS, former heroin addiction, failed music career, dead girlfriend. Basically in that scene, the character is physically and emotionally pushing her away. He doesn't think that she'd understand his past and doesn't want to bring down another person. Further, during "Light My Candle," Roger learns that Mimi is a heroin addict like his dead girlfriend and he sees too strong a connection between her and his dead girlfriend. She committed suicide after learning they both had AIDS, and he blames himself for her disease/death. After "La Vie Boheme," he learns that Mimi has AIDS too and that she is doing her best to cope. At that point he resolves to be with and share each other's baggage, but after Angel dies, he is too reminded of his own problems and pulls away again, letting her get away from him. In the fight song "Goodbye Love" Mimi says, "You don't want baggage without lifetime guarantees" and leaves him. Later Mark challenges him saying, "Mimi still loves Roger, Roger's either jealous or afraid of Mimi's past." Eventually, Roger wises up and goes to find Mimi, but she's almost dead from cold and starvation. His willingness to take her into his life during his song "Your Eyes" brings her back from the brink.

Do you prefer to read manga or watch anime? What are the pros and cons of both?

I prefer the Manga. The manga is like the longer or continued version of the anime. I also prefer the anime because it is more enjoyable to watch how the story progress rather than reading it. Plus, anime is colored and the manga is more of black and white.

Why Should other states be forced to bail California out for going bankrupt by paying for illegals "Dreams"?

Hey, you know what? Why don't the other 48 just kick us out of the Union. I'm sure we'd be fine on our own. We produce enough oil to be self sufficient. We send more than half of the food we produce out to other states. We produce a mighty chunk of the GDP and send in about 18% of all of the federal tax dollars which we could then keep. Yeah, that's right, keep hating on California. Ingrates.

I just dyed my hair red. Can i go swimming?

I have naturally dark brown/black hair and 2 days ago I bleached streaks into my hair, and then dyed it red with N'Rage crimson red hair dye. Since it is an unnatural semi-permnant hair color, will the chlorine turn it orange?

Audition songs for RENT?

I'm auditioning for RENT school edition tomorrow night (I really want the part of Mimi, though that is unlikely to happen) and I'm torn on what song to audition with... I was considering "Mama Who Bore Me" or "Blue Wind" from Spring Awakening? I'm a mezzo with the ability to go alto or soprano. Which song do you think would be better? I'm open to other song ideas, but they have to be fairly well-known because I only have tonight and tomorrow afternoon to practice! Thanks in advance.

Is there really anything that is unnatural?

Everything is after all occuring in the natural world -- even all human actions and thoughts. Why do some people then call some things ''unnatural''?

Please read!!! My grandmother is being mean!?

Okay, so tomorrow(thursday) I am going to work with my grandmother. (its -bring ur grandchild or son or daughter to work day) and my friend emma was going to come. she is now sick, and she cant. my little brother, Mason, is autistic. (a learning disability) I texted my grandmother and said mason is coming instead of emma. she texted back-not a good idea. my little bro is 10. he is VERY smart, (and his autisim isnt that bad~not at all really, just extra help in school, not talking till he was 4, etc) so anyway, i called her and said "umm....but you didnt have a problem when emma was coming, so y now that mason is coming u do?" and she was like "because, it is all girls your age(13) no boys this year." im thinkin', ya know, not EVERYone that works there's kid is 13. i highly doubt that. so anyway, it continued, and she kept on being sexist and rude. so, my mom isnt letting him go b cuz her and i think my (mimi) wont let him come or is embarrassed to bring him b cuz hes autistic. what do i do? sorry 4 typos, im on a phone

Adopting a child to family members or strangers?

The simple answer is, dont surrender the child to adoption at all. Adoption, particularly in your case where you have parents willing to raise the child for you, is an unnecessary legal lie. Give your parents legal guardianship of the child, stand up and be responsible for your choices and spare your child the pain and anguish that so many adopted children experience. Youve made your choices, please have the decency to make sure that youre available and able to explain them to your child when theyre old enough to ask. A child is ALWAYS better off remaining within their biological family rather than being handed off to genetic strangers.

Is this being a psycho girlfriend? :(?

So my boyfriend and I of 6 months (I've known him for two years though) have been having some real problems. A week ago he and his girl 'best friend' were hanging out in a group of four people. They've been friends for six years. The other two people in that group were dating. He and I have been well aware of the fact that she is interested in him before this hangout thing. Well, they were at the girl's house and watching a movie, when all of a sudden, the girl best friend kissed him without him expecting it. When he got home, he immediately called me and told me what happened and that he told her that it wasn't right, which I appreciate because it was good and honest. However, after this, I asked him not to associate with her anymore. I didn't want him to be friends with her because I know that she will do something again; she has a history of trying to flirt with him. I asked him not to be friends with her, but he would not comply. He has this unnatural care for her, a kind of care that should be reserved for someone in a relationship. I told him that if he were still friends with her, then I could not continue this relationship because it proves to me that he has other priorities that are higher than the priority that is our relationship. Today I asked him if I could contact her. He responded with a "I wouldn't do that if I were you". It sounded as though he was almost threatening me. So, being the girl that I am, I contacted her anyway because it's what I felt I should do. My message to her was not malicious at all. It was a message that was truth-seeking, because that's what I want, the truth. I just want to know why he can't choose between her and me? Is this bad?

Questions regarding a pregnant mouse?

The only way to tell is with the weight wait another 2weeks and her tummy should look like. Pear if it does she's pregnet

Is my new bag genuine or faux leather?

I got a new handbag from Old Town San Diego, CA (the birthplace of California), and I'm not sure if it is real or just pleather. There is a tag attached saying "Genuine Leather", but I'm not sure if they are trying to con me (I bought it from what seemed in a flea market - there were stalls and all - not from a well respected store), and only the tag is real, or the whole thing is real. I can't tell if it is repeating or has flaws because im dyslexic. and I haven't smelled other leather, either. Thanks!

Why do men like anal sex? eeww :'(?

The reason I asked is because my boyfriend wants me to try it with him and I don't even know why he dared to ask me because he knows how i feel about that and i told him my experience with that before.when i tried it before it it hurted like h3ll so i couldn't go through with it.Another thing is its unnatural god gave women vaginas for a man to poke not our a now he is mad and hr said that almost every woman is doing it so I fired back and said"Im not every woman".now he is giving me the silent treatment.Oh f###Ing well.

Advice needed!! issues regarding ex and my son?

Your ex should know better.He should realise that access can have restrictions put on him although I doubt if his mother realises the problems that you are having.I would write to her and explain that you are the mother of the little boy and would appreciate it if she would stop trying to influence your little boy against you.You could talk to your solicitor who would send her a polite letter explaining your problems and if she continues you would oppose your sons visits to her home.That normally works.A lot of grandma's think they know best,they might well do,but it is your child not hers.We all learn by our mistakes.You and her son made one mistake in getting married,but that is in the past.I get the impression he is a mummies little boy and will always do what mummy says.Sorry,he had his chance and blew it and his mother is trying to put the blame on you.Tell her to keep her nose out of your life.It is hard for a father who has access to a child for a week-end.Knowing where to go and what to do every time.Perhaps he would be better off just seeing your son for 1 day rather than a week end.

So i asked this question before but um it got worse?!?

i opened my hair dye awhile ago and i broke the seal to the actual dye bottle!! i bought it 6/22/11 and the hair dye in the bottle went from pink to purple... i need to know if its still ok or if i should get a different bottle... please please help me! this is the first time i dyed my hair an unnatural color. the brand is; 'SPLAT Pink Fetish"!!! thank you!

Como se puede empezar a poner un negocio de comida?

Mi hermano dice q suena con poner un restaurante de comida Mexicana, mmm seria rico je je. Si eres pobre y no tienes un quinto como se consigue vender comida, obteniendo una licencia? Que es lo q se tiene q hacer para poder llegar a tener un restaurante un dia?

RIN: ~Daughters of Mnemosyne~ Question?

In the anime RIN: ~Daughters of Mnemosyne~, how do the informants run a sustainable business? They don't seem to be generating any revenue by hooking up with people for their own pleasure. In addition, in episode 3, what do they mean when they tell Mimi and Koki the information "costs extra?"

Has anyone ever heard of funky art canvas and is it a legitimate website?

I ordered a canvas last week and it still hasn't been delivered which it should have been yesterday. Tried to ring and the number they supplied does not connect! I've also emailed and no reply. Have I been conned??

Where gay republicans born that way or did they choose to be gay conservatives?

some have been married and still choose to be gay in the end, go figure. why didn't they convert back to straight when they found out their party thinks they are unnatural and goes against god.

Pros & Cons of jailbreaking iPhone 4?

Pros free games changing folders and lock screens free music cons voids warranty or damage to I phone if not done correctly

Looking for experience in tv presenting:journalism?

they offer several classes at college level or you can call your local stations and ask about internships

Monday, July 18, 2011

Anyone out there a drug and alcohol counsellor?

I was wondering if there is anyone out there who has this profession. as of right now that is what i am going to school for, if so please tell me how you like it and what are the pros and cons of this career. also is there anyone out there who has ever been to one for help? id love to hear your story! thank you!

What Are The Pros And Cons About Having A Girlfriend?

i am going into grade 10 and i am thinking about getting a girlfriend but i dont know if i should wait or get one?

What are the pros and cons of Taekwondo?

I know that all martial arts have their weaknesses and strengths, so what are those for this martial art?

What are the pros & cons of being born to poor parents?

What are the pros and cons of being born to poor parents with little or no education, with poor financial planning, and also poor parenting!

What are some nicknames for Emily, Mimi, and Sofia?

My name is Emily and I get called Ems a lot. That's probably my favourite nickname of mine. Also get called Em a lot as well but only got called Emmy when I was little.


i remember watching digimon season one, it was great, but there was an episode i only saw part of, i cant figure out what episode it was :/ i remember that izzy was doing something on his computer and mimi got upset because he was ignoring her, plz help :D

I don't know how to put on Cream eyeliner?

I'm 13 and I don't wear make up on a regular bases. I've never put eyeliner on before and I'm going to a con today. How do i but on cream eyeliner???

My uncle sexually harassed me? Am I overreacting? PLEASE READ?

I am so sorry you are going through this but you have to say something & you are not over reacting. They wont hate you & who knows what other family members he may be targeting when you aren't around. You have to make the whole family aware of this then maybe they"ll just isolate him & you can be normal around your family again. Other than that keep doing what you're doing & watch out for your sister. If he ever makes a comment like that only if she'll dance for me again point it out to your parents right then. Get up & be like do you hear how he is talking to me?! You can't let him talk to me that way! Then in front of everyone ask him if he's a pervert making a comment like that. I have an uncle who I have to be very firm with. He kept asking what my boots were for insinuating they were stripper boots so I told him in front of everyone they were to kick him in the balls if he didn't stop talking to me. He's not welcome but he always shows up so I just go inside until he's eventually thrown out but don't worry, you are in the right & he has to be brought to light & good always conquers evil. May you be blessed & the Lord keep you & the rest of your family safe in his care.

Soccer boots #2: Nike T90 Lasers 2 vs Lasers 3?

which is better. what are the pros and cons? im considering these boots also . like i said before medium wide foot i guess

Girls,Which body part of yours gets you sexually aroused?

This question is to be answered by girls only.How would you want your boyfriend/husband to sexually arouse you?I usually squeeze and milk her boobs during foreplay,but my partner does not like it.Is it unnatural for me to play with the boobs?Do girls do not like guys squeezing their boobs?

Constitutional experts say President Obama can ignore Republicans on the Debt Ceiling. Are cons out of luck?

The president was correct in spanking republicants for stalling. The prez does HIS job. Why don't they do theirs? Because they are the party of zealotry & corporations. Plain, clear, simple, true.

How to get my dog to stop chewing things.?

He is about 1 yr. He chews rugs, phone chargers, wooden gates, leather couches, shoes, and doors. He lives in chew toy heaven. My family and I have had him since early feburary. He's a really sweet dog, got him from the shelter. Not really sure what happened before that. The people at the shelter suggest he couldn't be kept. We have two other dogs. Fritz (the chewer) and Mimi and both daushaunds. Our other dog JJ is a lasopso. He also digs a lot but I heard that's a daushchand thing. We just got him potty trained and are trying to get him to remember the commands we taught him when we got him. Is there anything I can do to make him stop chewing things?

What mascara should I use to prevent this from happening?

The best drugstore mascara ever is definitelycover girl lash blast. it is in an orange tube. you can get it almost anywhere for about 17$ (in aus) you can choose from many colours, i think there is very black otherwise the black one is still really dark. if you curl your lashes, i would get the waterproof version as it does the same thing but holds curl, because it is waterproof. It adds volume and length. hope this helps.. best answer? good luck! x

How can you tell if your doq is preqnat.?

My doq was the type that would sleep all time and eat all the time,but she was active.!until one stranqe day happened she would sit and fall alsleep,and also her baby qirl Mimi they would be always play until mia always took it serious so are those symptoms of preqnecy for doqs.? /:

Opinions of piece of writing?

I like it. I think that you've caputured what it is to experience adolescence; the discontent, the struggle to be content, the desire to rebel against society and your parents rules. Whoever wrote this is a talented soul who uses an extensive vocabulary to craft the plague that plagues the mind of the generation that are subject to the teenage years. It reminds me of a T.S.Eliot style rant. The writer of this is clearly an intellect and deserves credit for this art!

Can Mimi be a nickname for Meredith? +BQ?

While they're a bit different I see no problem with this.. they are close enough where it works by default and I don't think it would be questioned. That is just my personal opinion; names are good, especially like mimi

Suspect that I have BPD...?

You should consult a psychiatrist; you may be narcissistic as well as being aspergers or some other personality disorder other than BPD. If your doctor is "baffled" get another better experienced doctor.

Your opinions if you please..... =)?

It sounds pretty good so far :) If it had a main plot, it could be pretty awesome! Lovely description! I can't really... make an opinion, seeing as there isn't much of a story, but from what I've read, it seems pretty interesting- If you wanted to try writing a book, or something of that sort, I reckon you should go ahead (: Good Luck xD

8th grade graduation dress help!!?

I like the Way-In 'City Triangles' Rosette Trim Dress from Nordstrom -- a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Is sun-in okay to use in medium brown hair?

Don't use sun in, it turns your hair orange. Honestly, you're better off getting highlights at a salon, I have some that don't require bleaching so its not very bad for my hair at all, talk to your stylist about that. But sun in is just a bad idea

Can unnatural red hair be pulled off with a clean 'preppy' look?

My hair is orignally dark brown but I got it dyed a very unnatural red a few months ago. Everybody seems to love it-suprisingly adults also. But what I'm wondering is if unnaturally red hair can be pulled off with a 'preppy' look. The reason I dyed it red was because I've always wanted to since I love the color red. So can I pull off the red with that look or should I dye it back to dark brown for when school starts?

Do you think opening a nightclub is a win or lose?

Honestly, its probably one of the hardest things to do. It take a ton of money to get started and its really hard to keep it going. They fail far more often than they succeed.

Why do people ALWAYS make fun of me because of my weight?

I know it hurts but im sure they are just kidding i would let them know how you feel especially if it hurts you to the point where you are crying if you are comfy don't mind what other may be hard right now but it will become easy...but there is nothing wrong with watching what you eat and you are doing it for all the right reasons ....i commend you for that you are a great role model keep up the great work...

Why do people have prejudices and hatred over homosexuals?

I can sorta see why Christians do and why people think it's unnatural. But at the end of the day gay people can't help how they feel and who they fall in love with. They are humans after all and I think they should be accepted just like heterosexuals.

How do I get tan kinda fast?

I'm Portuguese and pretty tan all year round.. But it takes me soo long to tan, I've never burned and I have to sit out and like bakee.. So besides unnatural tanning how can I get tan fast/ help my tan along.

What unnatural color should i dye my hair?

i really want a bright color but not sure which one. i would also like tips on what kind of dye to use that wont damage my hair a lot? i have dark brown eyes and not super tan skin but not white. my hair right now is natural light brown. please help!

Explain the pros&cons of the acquisition of the louisiana territory from a Jeffersonian Republican perspective?

Explain the pros and cons of the acquisition of the louisiana territory from a Jeffersonian Republican perspective. Really need help. Please and thank you.

Is it unnatural to not feel pleasure when mastubating?

Okay, I'm a virgin 15 year old girl and I masturbate. But rarely do I ever focus attention on anything but my clitoris. I found though, that whenever I would finger myself or use any sort of toy I never felt anything sensual. Two of my friends have recently started having sex with their boyfriends and they were describing how is so much different than masturbating, but it is the same when he fingers her. So after that I put it to the test. When i masturbated I fingered myself but it felt painful rather than good. I always thought that maybe when I lost my virginity it would start feeling good. But since I heard my friends telling me about how that didnt happen, I'm wondering if somethings wrong. Does that mean that when I do have sex it wont be pleasurable?

What are the pros and cons of thongs?

I just want to know like if you can wear them at that time of month. The goods and bads of them and what they feel like?!

What do these lyrics refer to?

Exactly! This is why it's such a funny moment. As Roger, Mark and Collins used to live with Benny, they knew Alison had a dog named Evita. Thus, when Benny says his dog was killed, they make the connection to Angel telling them she killed an akita. This is also touched on in Happy New Year B when Angel talks about how she went through hell when her cat took a fall and Benny asks how she knew his dog fell, and after Angels funeral when Collins says, "It's only fair to tell you you just paid for the funeral of the person who killed your dog." and Benny responds with, "I know, I always hated that dog." Hope this helps :)

Is it ever ok to cheat?

Suppose your wife doesn't want to have sex as often as you like. Or, she doesn't like to do certain things, an unnatural act. Or she is very sick. And you just don't want to talk about it because it's just another fight.

Battery life on the Samsung WB700 digital camera?

Im going on a 8 day holiday trip and im wondering how many pictures it can take before needing to be recharged. Also any cons to this camera, im looking for a good one thats $250 and under. Thanks

Help! My cat is really skinny!?

Okay so recently my cat has become skinny. This is Ozzie's(my cats) Story: He was farel and was brought into a shelter. He then was socialized and is a love bug. He has a resputory diesese and so i clean his boogers and stuff. Recently he has became skinny. When he lies down, and you pet him on his side you can feel his ribs. We feed him a lot. He LOVES human food. I thought maybe his fav human food would fatten him up. I tried it and he didnt eat it. So then i opened another can of cat food,(we give my other cat mimi and ozzie the same food) and gave it to him. He didnt eat it. Now im wondering if there is something else we can do. AND no we cant take him to the vet as we are poor/(renting a place) PLEASE HELP!!

What do you Cons think of GOP Sen. Alan Simpson saying "2 wars without raising taxes is Bulls&*t"?

FMR. GOP SEN. ALAN SIMPSON CALLS REPUBLICAN REFUSAL TO RAISE REVENUE ‘ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT’ | Former GOP Sen. Alan Simpson blasted his intransigent GOP colleagues on the hill today for failing to reach a deal on the deficit. The expletive-prone co-chairman of President Obama’s bipartisan fiscal reform commission slammed Republicans for kowtowing to American for Tax Reform head Grover Norquist (“Republicans can’t be in thrall to him”) and pushed Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to stand fast on the August 2 deadline. Surveying the lay of the current fiscal land, Simpson said “We’re at 15 percent revenue, and historically it’s been closer to 20 percent.” “We’ve never had a war without a tax, and now we’ve got two,” he added. “Absolute bullshit.”


I need help setting up this math word problem. I don't need the answer i already know it but i just need help on how you set up/write the problem. Here it is "mimi is four years older than ronald. Five years ago she was twice as old as he was. Find their ages now." please help because i dont know how to write the problem! :O

Should I go out for basketball?

I played basketball in the 5th and 6th grade and quit the first practice of 7th grade. I have had numerous coaches, players, and fans ask me why I am not playing. I quit because number one: I didn't like the head coach for varsity, number two: my dad has always forced me into going in it and he would never compliment my playing, he would just criticize me, and number 3: I am so good when I am not playing in a real game, once I am in a real game, I forget my fundamentals and choke up. Now the head coach that I don't like is being replaced. I could easily make varsity due to the fact that only 13 girls went out last year, but there is a lot of upcoming freshmen and they are REALLY good. The pros I have found are: I am really good, I would make my dad/coaches/teammates happy, It would get me in shape, There is a new coach, I could make Varsity. The cons I have found are: I choke up in a game, I have no friends on the team, None of my friends like basketball, My dad would still only have negative comments, I haven't played basketball for a while, Majority of the team will hate me for bringing in competition, I really don't like running in practice lol.

Rocker VS Camber Pros and Cons?

I'm starting to look for my first board and am having difficulty deciding between these two. I've heard things about both and still don't really understand how the experience is different. I ride mostly park but Iike to get on the mountain too. Also I'll be competing for the first time this season in park events so would one type be better for that? Help much appreciated!

*Unnatural Relationship with this girl* help.?

my friends set me and this girl up on a date and we hit it off, we even held hands and stuff. the next day we texted and got close over them. then at night we went on Skype and had a 5 hour convo asking each other questions and talking laughing. i mean we feel like we have known each other for months!. and its been just 2 days! not even!….but today i feel this weird feeling as if she's trying to push me down to her friend level or something, i sent her a couple of hearts and she would give me smily's and such. tomorrow me and her are going to have dinner together at a restaurant and don't want o ask her anything about a "relationship" status just yet cause it would be weird or something at the dinner, so what should i do? should i ask her tomorrow face to face if she wants to have a serious relationship or should i let it ride and not mention it and risk being just a…..friend.

Looking at a Home, Strange... "Scared" Feeling In A Single Room?

That is only natural when you have a house that old..I'm am over 50 and was looking for houses in 2007..My daughter was my realtor..We went also to an old house and all was renovated..Till we went into the basement..We were both down there and when we went around the corner we screamed and ran for the stairs at te same time..I ended up hitting my shoulder so bad on a ledge I had a black and blue mark for weeks..IT was fun looking at old houses as I find them with a lot of character..If you cn deal with the old basement as you probably have to do laundry down there than by all means get it...You can research th house to see if anything happened there at the local libray or's all public

Meredith Helena or Meredith Helena Jade? a few questions?

I don't really like Mimi as a nickname because it reminds me of a grandmother but I like just Helena Jade the best but since that is not an option I like the last choice the best.

Which Mac should I buy?

For basic usage (a little photo manipulation, office apps, web surfing, and rarely doing video editing or gaming), the MacBook Air, MacBook Pro 13, and MacBook White are decent choices. The MacBook Pro 13 is going to have a stronger CPU where the MacBook Air and MacBook White currently have stronger GPUs. If you're going to be doing a lot of graphics work, video editing, or anything requiring a lot of power from the machine, You'll want to go with a MacBook Pro 15 or 17 with Radeon 6750 graphics (the 6490 in the base model MacBook Pro 15 isn't much better than the GeForce 320m in the MacBook White or MacBook Air, though it's still a step up from Intel HD3000 graphics).

Has anyone ever heard of funky art canvas and is it a legitimate website?

I ordered a canvas last week and it still hasn't been delivered which it should have been yesterday. Tried to ring and the number they supplied does not connect! I've also emailed and no reply. Have I been conned??

Does anyone have any tips on franchising a business?

Is this a successful route to go ? What are the pros and cons compared to opening your own business from scratch?

Another Eminem Question?

Do you think Eminem can ever have a great comeback album such as Mariah Carey's The Emancipation Of Mimi?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Is a double red cell donation safe?

I recently participated in a double red blood cell donation, as I'm a type O+. But my mom was horrified at the thought of me having my platelets and plasma sent back into my body after they had already been taken out. She calls it unnatural and dangerous because there's no telling what chemicals they use bin separating them, or whether it might be contaminated by someone else's blood. I want to allay her fears, so what's the best way to explain the procedure's safety? Or is there something to her worries after all?

Does anyone know a REALLY mean prank?

my best friend (mimi) called me the other day and she called me cryin and said "dude, there's someone home" i said "r u alone???" then i heard this really loud noise and she yelled and the call ended, so i was REALLY worried cuz she's my best friend, so i call another friend of mine (daisy) (lives really close to her, thats why i called her) and told her what happened, so in the middle of our conversation i have a call of mimi and said dude, it was kidin, so then i got really pissed @ her, so i want revenge! p.s: and by mean i mean REALLY REALLY mean, thanks

I get these strange foot cramps?

I used to just get them in bed if I pointed my toes for too long, and they would go away when I stood up and only if I stood up. Now I get them when I do things like sit on the floor or ride my bike. It feels like a really painful cramp in my foot near my toes. Now they dont go away when I stand up, and I noticed that it looks like one of my toes is bending in an unnatural direction when I get a cramp, its like it was pulled out of its socket and either pushed towards the other toes, or pulled away from the other toes. It happens to my big toe and sometimes one of the smaller ones. Its scary because when its cramping it wont go away and i cant move the toe that's cramped up at all. Is this normal? Probably not haha but do you know what it is and why its happening?

Is anyone else exhausted of modern life?

Modern life is ****, people go diranged because teh sit indoors all day, in front of sceens, eating unnatural foods and to top it off real folks find it hard to thrive. In the past if you were brave, fast and strong you survived and thrived, nowadays that same excellent human would have to submit to schooling and sit behind a desk or be a shitty security guard. Modern life is rapping the enviornment, which is very sad, and people seem detached from reality, themselves and there land,. I really dislike modern life, anyone else agree? What is yall's spin on the subject? PRIMITIVE RENEWAL!

What do you say to the baptist when they say the gay way is...?

an abomination to humankind. Vagina on vagina and/or penis on penis? How yuck and unnatural is that? or penis in butt hole?!?

The Sims Playstation 2 Help?!?

Okay so my sim is a stunt devil and I am on level 3 of my job and I need to get promoted to move out of Mimi's house, but It's really hard to keep my sim happy and to get her to work out on the treadmill and go to work. So are there any cheats to get past Mimi's? And, does anyone know how many times do you have to complete a full treadmill work out to get a body skill to level up in the stunt devil job level 3? Please help! I need to get past this, thanks.

Deadmans wonderland question?

Just wondering if anyone knows the song that plays in the first episode when ganta, mimi and that other dude are talking?

Mimi's Cafe's french onion soup recipe?

SObi looooove Mimi's Cafe's French onion soup. I have tried many recipes and none seem to match up. Does anyone have some good recipes for French onion soup?

Why do some people on here hate on Eminem?

I continuously see people on here discredit Em and make him seem like he sucks now. That he should retire, blah blah blah. Why? because he hasn't made a classic album since the Eminem Show? if that. Not many rapper or many singers for that matter have been able to make classic album after classic album. Remember Mariah Carey huge music comeback with The Emancipation Of Mimi? Before that she had album and a movie flop and many people thought her career was over?

Should I bleach my bangs?

My skin is tanned (southeast asian). Would it look bad because of my skin colour ? I don't want it to look tacky and unmatching. I'm also planning to dye it an unnatural colour.. any suggestions ?

If 4 out of 5 people prefer pepsi to coke in a blind taste test?

Then what do most people prefer to drink when they are not blind? Being blind is unnatural for most of us.

Kidney problems question?

Mimi is brought to the clinic by her parents. Though she is 23 years old and 5'5 tall, she weighs only 90 pounds. She insists there is nothing wrong, except for some lower back pains. The clinic staff quickly realizes that the young woman is anorexic. What kidney problems might result from extremely low body weight?

My grandson is having seizures.?

Results were good from the EEG. The MRI has showed a suspicious spot. No other details yet. Can you give us an idea of some of the things it could be so we will be a little calmer? Thank you, Concerned Mimi.

Cheryl cole as a US x factor judge?For americans only?

I'm english and i say she has NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to judge ANY talent show, because she CANNOT SING LIVE.

I dyed my hair turquoise now its green?

Yikes, that is a lot of colour. I wouldn't try to fix it up yourself this time. It is really hard to dye black hair. When ever my asian friends try to do it, it turns out horribly wrong and they end up going through the same process as you (so I have sympathy - It is not fun!). My cousin was in the same position as you a while back (she tried to fix it so many times and eventually went to a hair stylist who told her that if she had have tried to fix it herself a few more times, she would have had to chop all of her hair off). So my advice to you, would be to go to a stylist to get it fixed this time. Don't risk it right now to dye it back or to fix it. I know that it is expensive..I dye my hair red every few months. But for the fix I would do to a stylist and once your hair has a break from all of the product ect, you can try to find out with practice what works for you. It will be tough because you have dark hair, but pretty soon you will be able to figure out what works and what doesn't. Good luck.

Does Eugenics--the science of selecting best breeds/genes in human species--- follow law of the nature?

Some say Eugenics is unethical, some say it is a racist-method, some say it is unnatural. But some say that it is up-lifter of the human species and selecting the best genes is a natural process. What do you think about Eugenics?

Difference between SPRINGS and COILOVERS? Can they cause damage?

mostly older cars and trucks would have a separate coil spring and a separate shock.Some of the newer stuff has a coil spring wrapped around a shock. This simplifies the design , saves weight, and cost a lot more to repair, and is less durable, and mostly found on light small cars. Older cars and trucks may have a progressive rate coil spring in front with a shock and a leaf spring on the rear or may have a coil spring on all fours, or even leaf springs on all fours. It depends on the manufacturer and what they want. coilover shocks and coil springs, need to be handled carefully when installing, the must be compressed to fit them in, and there is a lot of power in a spring under compression.

The God hates fags group, what are their arguments.?

all they say is that god hates gay, but doesn't god love everybody?? i say if there's a hole for it then what's the problem. so what if you can't have kids other people will do that and if gays want kids they can adopt(give some kids without a home) and "unnatural" is only because you can't understand it. i don't believe in none of that it's confusing and seems like a load of bull.(no offense to anyone religious)

What superpower and why?

The power to make people commit suicide. Your fiction sounds really interesting... Is the person based on yourself? I know some writers like to put themselves in their work, but they change the person enough so people can't see the comparison.

Why do writers write in coffee shops/cafes?

I'm wondering why almost every time I go to a place like Starbucks or Mimi's Cafe, I always spot at least one person sitting alone at a table typing furiously at their laptop on a writing software with pencils and pens and a notebook by their side, occasionally taking a sip of coffee or a bite of cinnamon rolls. And I'm guessing they're authors of a book in progress. So tell me, why do some writers write in coffee shops/cafes? Plus, do you, or would you do the same thing?

Quick punctuation question?

It looks fine to me. I think you could also put a colon, but in this type of recommendation, the comma looks best. If you look at handbooks for college composition classes, there can be 30 pages of comma rules; some are much more "flexible" than others. Most professionals I know make many decisions based on whether the punctuation helps communicate the message clearly.

Which Mac should I buy?

For basic usage (a little photo manipulation, office apps, web surfing, and rarely doing video editing or gaming), the MacBook Air, MacBook Pro 13, and MacBook White are decent choices. The MacBook Pro 13 is going to have a stronger CPU where the MacBook Air and MacBook White currently have stronger GPUs. If you're going to be doing a lot of graphics work, video editing, or anything requiring a lot of power from the machine, You'll want to go with a MacBook Pro 15 or 17 with Radeon 6750 graphics (the 6490 in the base model MacBook Pro 15 isn't much better than the GeForce 320m in the MacBook White or MacBook Air, though it's still a step up from Intel HD3000 graphics).

Would white/sliver hair look OK on dark skin?

I know it will look so unnatural and fake, but I'm sick of my hair and want to change to something crazy. I have dark hair so I want to know if it might look just too ugly. :D

What are the pros and cons of leasing a horse vs buying one?

I agree with Fennec. Only the financial aspect plus being able to get out of it quickly if you need to. I prefer to have my horse under my control. I am leasing a mare right now, but only as a surrogate and I don't like it.

I need a story title!?

It's about a girl from New Jersey who has two brothers who are VERY close to her, one twin, and one four years older than her. The girl is raped by her boyfriend and has the feeling of him on her skin. She goes depressed because she feels like he is on her. Her older brother ends up having sex with her to get the feeling of her rapist off of her. The story is basically how she deals with having an older brother who is so close to her, it's unnatural. Her brother sort of has this innocent crush on her that gets between their relationship. Sorry this isn't a very good summary, but I'm in a rush. ):

Please contesten esta pregunta no me kiero kedar con la duda?

ya van varias veces k sueno k mi pareja me engana y k anda de boladocon muchas mujeres... que significa eso? alguien.....

I don't plan to go any time soon, but if so I'd like Jesus Freak by DC Talk played or performed at my memorial?

Great! Your family has it right! The funeral should be a celebration of life ! And should be upbeat! Words of hope and encouragement not dirge of sadness and defeat.

Friday, July 15, 2011

AyudenMen Que Ago con esta situacion?

Bueno Tengo una relacion con un chico al cual quiero adoro y amo Viene pasando lo siguiente nos conocemos desde peque�os el tiene 19 yo tengo 18 pues nos distanciamos 5 a�os y ahora hace unos meses nos encontramos platicamos y estamos muy felizes yo lo quiero y el me quiere a mi lo unico que el esta en estados unidos y yo en puerto rico so el viene ahora de vacaciones para estar con migo ya mi familia save sobre el estan de acuerdo con el nosotros hablamos por cell y internete y ponemos la web cam y el me pide que le ense�e mis partes privadas que devo hacer? complacerlo para mantenerlo con migo o esperar a que este junto ami para ense�arle sin camara y podamos disfrutar del sexo los dos amarnos y querernos tenemos muchos planes el no me obliga ni me ostiga solo quiere que lo complasca y soy un poco timida no me gusta ense�ar mi cuerpo aun k para mi soy linda y cuento con todas las cualidades de una mujer bella Ayudenmen Pliz?

Do you think I use this?

My kitty cats are exploring litter brands. I want to find a good litter. Then, we found MiMi's Cat Litter, and I saw it was supposed to be supper absorbent and cover odor. But then, I searched it on google and found it was recalled, I am not sure when. Should I still use this litter?

Should i get a long board or another bike?

Ive been working my butt off and ive been wondering if i should get a longboard which is cheaper then a mountain bike and also less flashier! I have a bike already (nice bike) but i was planning to get a new one but now im thinkng about trying something new and buying a longboard! They seem pretty neat,... what do yall think? What are the pros and the cons!

The War Against Girls - Since the late 1970s, 163 million female babies have been aborted by parents seeking?

Abortion is murder. It is as simple as that. People have been conned and hoodwinked for years. The roots of abortion lie with nasty american and british eugenicists back in the 1930s, these same people sold abortion to hitler. People think they have a choice so are thankful. The real people who benefit are the nasty elite who run our world who have also sold us the lie of environmentalism as an excuse for depopulation. The science advisor in Obamas government John P Holdren is an advocate of genocide and believes the world needs to cull 90 per cent of the worlds population. This would leave a few slaves to serve the needs of the old sick perverts who currently run the world. We will overcome them. Google John P Holdren the truth on You tube.

I am considering taking my mom to MiMi's cafe for mothers day, but what is the price range for 3 people?

You make me feel so wicked, wicked. How about ya quit worryin about how much it's goin to cost ya babe. Work out how much dough ya got and take it from there, i guess what i'm tryin to tell ya babe is find out what you can afford. Ya don't want to be worryin about if ya can pay for it. Ya have a nice day now and give my best regards to your mom, have i met her some place before?

How do I convince my mom to let me dye my hair?

Honestly, I think your mom is just trying to look out for your hair. But the only thing that anyone could really suggest to you is that you could say that it's your hair and if something happens to it, then it would be your fault and you would have to live with the consequences. Other than that, just have a calm conversation with your mom and she might let you if you're nice about it.

How can I lose weight in time for my wedding?(3 weeks)?

My main problem is that I'm pear shaped. I have really skinny arms and I'm literally flat chested but I have big hips and flabby thighs and somewhat of belly too. It's so embarrassing and unnatural looking. What can I do to even out things before the wedding so I can look nice in my dress?

Unnatural hair color?

My hair is currently bright ruby red with a side undercut. I'm trying to decide what color to dye the undercut. I'm considering, Orange, purple, light purple, turquoise, or white.. opinions? I'm very indecisive.. what do you think?

A friend of my aunts who is in her mid 60's has had extremely severe tremors of her upper extremities.?

You should also do some research on Familial Tremors. Normally, alcohol relieves them somewhat and that may explain why she is drinking. A big factor is caffeine. Drop it completely...from all sources (yes, even chocolate). The best clue would be for someone to ask her if one of her parents was afflicted the same way. It's most noted when lifting/holding something. Also affects writing. Another word for it is Essential Tremors. There are some health gurus who claim to be able to relieve the symptoms through diet. But there are some challenges. Probably the best food for it is sourkraut...ugh.

2002 Chevy Trailblazer vs. 1999 YUKON, or 2001 Tahoe?

I am looking at getting either a 2002 trailblazer ltz (nice interior and sunroof) with 145,000 miles for about $6,000, i also have found a 1999 GMC YUKON (is very well maintained and the inside is very nice!) with 185,000 for $4,200 and also have looked at a 2001 Chevy Tahoe with a 170,000 miles on it. I do not know which car i want to get can someone help me decide which car is built to last mechanically and which suv performs better than the others. I really do not know which suv i want to get so can someone please help me decide please list pros and cons of each and things i might need to know. they all look decent and nice but i am not sure which one to choose as my first car.

Can Anyone Tell Me What Book This Is?

It has to do with a girl that goes to either a lake or boat house, and she meets all these boys who are her half brother. She drives a Mini Cooper, and her name (I'm pretty sure) is Mimi.

Does Mimi's cafe do parties of 30 or more? and if so, are they able to make up a custom menu deal?

Best person to answer that is the manager at your local Mimi's Cafe! But based on my knowledge of MiMi's I'd say they can probably accommodate a party but not a custom menu like catering.

If our culture continues to evolve as it does currently, will religion cease to exist?

Let's say the evolution of human culture continues to evolve in the way it has the last 100 years, and assuming we don't have a natural or "unnatural" disaster of some sort, will religion still exist let's say in 500 years?

Are my boobs big/proportionate for my age?

I'm 14, I weigh 105 lbs., And I'm about 5'3". I wear a size 0 or 1 in jeans. My boobs are currently a 32C, and I'm not trying to brag, i'm just confused. Some people say they look too huge and unnatural and others say they're small? I know everyone has different preferences of what a good body should look like, but I am just curious if I'm really that unproportional.

Can man find true biological fulfillment in the modern society?

Humans have evolved to survive in nature. Do you think the unnatural and unnecessary pleasures of our modern society can bring happiness? Or is man's true design to evolve simply through survival in nature, like other animals?

Guinea Pigs Or Rabbits?

Should i get a rabbit or a guinea pig. Please list the pros and cons. The cost of each and your own opinion. Im going to probley get pairs. Also could you please list s cage site thats not c&c thanks.

How to be like beautyxxgoddess from YouTube?

I love Mimi, her makeup/hair is always perfect. She kind of doesn't explain how she does it though :/ can anyone help? Also, can anyone else help explaining how I can be like her. Like dressing and acting like her? I know this sounds crazy but any help is appreciated :)

My grandmother died today. Will she have the best Mother's Day ever?

Ur grandmother is no longer suffering in a crruel cold world. i would say thats a good mothers day. god bless

Has anyone else ever dealt with Tocophobia?

I am 9 months along and was recently diagnosed with Tocophobia. THe condition of the "Unnatural" fear of childbirth. My last son was born with his cord wrapped around his neck 4 times, a broken collar bone and failed his newborn testing. I am pregnant with my first daughter. My and my sister (God rest her soul) was born with birth defects, hers unfortuanley took her life. I am scared something will go wrong in the delivery room. SO I am looking for someone who HAS DEALT with Tocophobia and how they dealt with it.

Why does my dad love other family members more than me?

Hi it's Mimi M's son again. My dad had died when I was just 7 years old and I heard that my cousin has an eye surgery today. Plus he was really scared and he visited him over there in Texas and were currently in NJ. My dad had visited me only one time. Once he visited me on the night of his death in 2007 and that was it. He also visits my mom by turning on the light (he's wasting my mom's electricity bill). I feel like he doesn't love me anymore plus I had 2 scary nightmares about him on 2010 to 2011. He said to my cousin " Everything is going to be okay..." When I heard about this I got extremely jealous and angry. Right now I hate my dad. I also remembered the times he hit me on the arm with a belt. That left a long red bruise on it. Btw the good thing is I never fought with my cousin ever. We haven't seen each other in 3 years. But I got to see him on the summer of July 2010. Please help me with this problem.

Considering rhinoplasty?

Hi, well first of all let me say I am 21 years old and female. I have a huge complex with my nose and it's not something that just got to me now. You see ever since I was younger I never really like my nose. My face is small and for some reason I feel like my nose is not right. So the bridge is ok but my nose tip is very pointy and the lenght of the tip seems to be larger than it should be. Kinda makes me look nosey. I've also noticed that my nose is tilted a bit to one side and when I look at my nostrils, One of my nostrils has a bump on the nasal septum wall and the other one doesn't. I find it quite odd and I'm guessing that's why my nose is tilted a bit. I would like to fix it someday in the future and reduce the tip too but I'm a bit scared to go under the knife one day and get punished because of my vanity or stupid complex. I'm just really uncomfortable with my nose and I always try to use make up to create illusion of a smaller tip and lenght but it's hard. Is it wrong for me wanting to look a certain way? I have a lot of time to think about it but at the same time I just wanna stop obsessing over my nose and take the risk. Can anyone tell me if they had any experience with rhinoplasty. What was it like after the surgery? Did it hurt a lot? How swollen was it? What are the pros and cons?

What are the pros and cons of thongs?

I just want to know like if you can wear them at that time of month. The goods and bads of them and what they feel like?!

Another Eminem Question?

Do you think Eminem can ever have a great comeback album such as Mariah Carey's The Emancipation Of Mimi?

Im scared, would I be sent home if I had unnatural colors in my hair?

D: I just heard abut the 12 year old in 6th grade who got suspended for red highlights in her hair! Can an Elementary school do that? I am trying to find my school's rules but they are no where to be found! I do not wanna go to school and be sent home 5 seconds later?

Where can I post my story where ALL AGES can sign up?

I think and are sites that allow users of any age. If you're wanting you're story to be widely read, these would be good choices because they're extremely popular sites.

Should I get an iPad?

My family keeps asking me what I want for my birthday and I cant think of anything except for the iPad. But I hear they can't really do much. What are the pros and cons of an iPad?

Should i purchase this camera or not ?

That's a Point-and-Shoot camera. My advice would be to save up and buy a real camera. Both Nikon and Canon sell some really great entry-level DSLR cameras. Do some research on the subject and learn to take photography to an entirely new level.

Why do some people on here hate on Eminem?

I continuously see people on here discredit Em and make him seem like he sucks now. That he should retire, blah blah blah. Why? because he hasn't made a classic album since the Eminem Show? if that. Not many rapper or many singers for that matter have been able to make classic album after classic album. Remember Mariah Carey huge music comeback with The Emancipation Of Mimi? Before that she had album and a movie flop and many people thought her career was over?

Should their be any kind've time limit to Government Debt? Yes or No? Why or Why Not?

Since the power to create money resides with the Federal government I wonder why we have to borrow any money at all and why we have to pay interest on the money that is made out of thin air. Why do we the people except this stupidity and rip off of our wealth.

Thinning hair?!?!??!?!?!??!?

make sure she thins it from the middle of the hair to the ends. anything above that it will cause it to stick out. make sure she does it angled, if she does it straight across the hair it will cause lines.

What does it mean when two bunnies do this?

It means your older rabbit is likely to injure the smaller one. Rabbits are very territorial, especially does. Separate them now. You couldn't keep these two together anyway, as they would breed as soon as they're able to. Bucks and does can never share a cage; they always need separate housing unless you plan to breed. And even then, the doe is taken to the buck's cage (NEVER the other way around because she could kill him) just long enough for mating to take place and then she's returned to her own cage. Please do some research on keeping rabbits as pets so you don't have some bad outcome because of not knowing basic care info.

Unnatural hair colour that goes nice with black?

ive got a skin tone a bit like mariah careys.. dont suggest blonde! thanks :) pics of the colour would be nice <3

What will Los Angeles and the whole United States be like in 10 years?

I like living in the U.S. I don't live in LA and quite frankly don't want to on account of all the pollution, potential fires, earthquakes, fakeness, and general smugness of the people (no offense). I think LA will prosper for a long time to come, but I think that the California hype will die down. Florida is where it's at these days. I think the USA will be fatter but more liberal in 10 years. I think partisanship will increase markedly. I think New York and California are two of the most inefficient states in the union. Florida is good on account of the whether and taxes. Colorado is, I believe, the healthiest state in the union. Sorry I couldn't help more

Pros and cons of all the World of Warcraft classes?

all of the classes in this game are not perfect, so i want to know your opinion of the pros and cons of all ten classes in worldof warcraft

Where can you find the voyage of the mimi theme song?

Sheet music, flute, non-download, non-membership, non-pay, just browser printing. Remeber, VOYAGE OF THE MIMI. I dont care about any other song. I dont want any useless or mean answers.

Where is it better to live; what are the differences?

Hey guys, I am planning to move to or South korea or Japan, can someone give me a quick schedule what the pro's and con's of both countries are? Thanks!

English Saddle: Knee rolls vs None?

What do you think? I'm personally more comfortable in a saddle without knee rolls, calf bocks, etc. I have a Collegiate Graduate with a plain flap--no knee rolls, no calf blocks, nothing. I've rode in this saddle for almost 10 years, so anything else just feels unnatural. If you can ride on a plain flap, you can ride on pretty much anything. All that extra support just makes riding so much easier, and I feel that until you can ride without them, you can't really ride at all.

For those who have done the Big chop?

Hey,my name is mimi,i have black and thick hair, i have done the big chop a week ago,and i would like to know how long did it take you for your hair to grow and see improvements..and what cream,shampoo did you use? Thank you x

Mayweather Jr... never accused Pacquiao?

Floyd wants a drug test to see if Manny is juicing. Victor Ortiz don't have a problem with that. Floyd is either full of crap or playing head games.

Should the federal government refuse to bail out when it goes bankrupt bankrolling financial aid for illegals?

Another false claim; you're on a roll. Mimi Walters' statement is a misrepresentation of the measure in question.

How do people fall for online scams?

So I used to get these emails and I'd read them. I always knew they were scams obviously. The person would have horrid typing/spelling and they'd all be pity stories. They'd be in my spam or inbox folders. How do people think they're helping a person in need when they're helping a con artist. How do they think a innocent citizen would send mass emails to anyone online asking for money? I just don't understand how a person doesn't know the difference between a real email and a scam email.

Which is better Invisalign or braces?

I'm have to pick which ones I want to get soon. So please tell me what you think about both Invisalign and braces such as the pro's and cons. Also please tell me the cost of them both. Thank you!

Any good youtube usernames?

my name is megan but i wanted to include my nickname MiMi i loved MiMiUnique but its taken -_- i dont like numbers please help! and also kinda cute and catchy?? xx

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Windows Mac Or Linux?

All have their pros and cons, what do you recommend for someone with moderate computer ability. If LInux, name the distro

Reagan's 1982 Recession, which had HIGHER unemployment numbers than now, came TWO YEARS after Carter...?

Tell me what Obama has done to fix the problems. Spending more money that we don't have is not the solution. Is your president too stupid to realize that?

Do dogs have the tendency to have mistaken identity?

Yes. she prob thinks she a dog. when my dog Scamp was a pup, he thought he was a cat cuz he has pointy ears:)

What is a good name for a white and silver/blue terrier?

Instead of getting a Chinese crested like I originally planned, we found a blue and white terrier mix and I fell in love. What should I name her? She was originally called Mimi, but she doesn't come to it, so she's not used to it yet... What should I name her?

Can I Have Some Baby Girl Names?

Hi. I really want to hear some Italian or Irish (or plain English) baby girl names. I was thinking of Elaina, but then they will call her Ellie. Not going for that: at all. I like names with a girly nickname. Example: Mia, Mimi. (Don't put Mia, though) Thank you.

Do you think hair color that's black with a slight blue tint looks unnatural?

well i absolutely LOVE the blue tinted black hair because of how it looks natural even though it isnt a natural color. it always looks so smooth and cute and pretty nomatter who its on!

Bleached and colored strips in my hair, HELP!?

pink is a tricky color to remove. it likes to stick to hair. try using prell shampoo. its green and really cheap its should get most of the color out. hope it helps (:

Need to fix a protruding rib. Any ideas?

I'm a teen female, good BMI, not out of shape, not underweight, nor overweight. On the left side (only the left side) of my ribcage however, I have two ribs-(only two, not the entire left side of my ribcage) just below the breastbone-that stick out near the edge of the bone. It looks very weird and unnatural, especially when I wear a swimsuit. Is there anything I can do to make them go back down? It's so embarassing. I've never broken my ribs or had any injury that could cause them to look so misshapen.

What does this mean.. this girl I know said it..?

I have to temporarily avoid Gloucester road since her dad 'used' to be a con artist back in the day and we met some pissed off people so we had to do a runner! XD

Where is it better to live; what are the differences?

Hey guys, I am planning to move to or South korea or Japan, can someone give me a quick schedule what the pro's and con's of both countries are? Thanks!

We have a wonderful neighbor who has been like a second mother to my 11 year old daughter?

My neighbor and I have been trying to think of a good nickname for my daughter to call her that kinda meant "second mom", but wasn't "mom" or "aunt". Something cute and bubbly ( like my daughter). So we've thought of, and decided against the following names: Nana, Mamie, Mimi, aunt, STEP MOM, etc......please help us pick out a name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for your input!!!!

Why do Cons have such a problem with 2 consenting adults forming a relationship?

Regardless of their sexual orientation? Using the same logic that it is "unnatural", why don't we also re-appeal the interracial laws and ban them as well? Aren't they just as unnatural as homosexual relationships, cons?

Have I been conned through the Internet?

I recently bought a canvas picture from and I should've received it yesterday. I rang the contact number on the website and it wouldn't connect. I've also emailed them and no reply? Does anyone know if this is a legitimate website?

WDYT of Mirabelle/a n.n. MiMi Summer Grace?

I get that its family traditions but the name doesn't flow right thats way too many names all bunched together and i don't personally like the first name but if your gonna use it just use one Mirabella Grace sounds better

Help me with my opening! Urgent!?

Well I am not a book reviewer haha but I like the concept. You might want to take out the "he said" "she said" parts and only tell the actions: as they walked away from pride rock... Hope I could help!!

Is my mom too judge mental, or am I really a bad parent? (short)?

I guess I'm a bad mom too, then!! I do almost everything you do (except my hubby is deployed now & I'm the stay @ home mom...and I have two daughters so I have no need for circumcision)!! And, since I stay home, I don't really need a babysitter, but for the most part, I do everything you do w/ my daughters! No, you aren't being a bad mom...if you are, almost every mom today is a bad mom!!!

Antidepressants making me feel so ill?

i've tried to take antidepressants a few times now, but every time i find the side effects so bad that i have to stop taking them, the side effects have included nightmares, night sweats, anxiety, emotional numbness, insomnia, sleeping too much, weight loss, anorgasmia, feeling hot, nausea, dizzyness, headaches, elecric rushes in my head, agitation, teeth grinding, dry mouth, constipation, avoidance of social interactions, inpaired judgement, inability to drive, concentration, memory loss; this was all on sertraline and i took it for 3 or 4 weeks. the last straw was when i was having a shower and found myself falling asleep whilst i was stood up after having 14 hours sleep. i've been told to change to another drug citalopram and after the terrible withdrawal effects i've had from stopped this current drug i'm really worried about starting another one. its disconcerting that there are limited studies on the epidemilogical effects of these drugs and the exact chemistry on the brain is also not known, just promoted by drug companies. yes, i want to get better, but throughout the stress and anxiety and depression i have felt before the ADs, i never felt as bad as i do on them. is there maybe too much pressure from society to lead the perfect happy life? maybe taking chemicals to deal and mask physical life issues is not the way forward? i want to be happy but i also want to experience and enjoy life without looking at it through a hazy of drugged up **** feeeling i get from ADs. maybe if we lived in a more social, family orientated, supportive, less isolated world a lot of us wouldn't be dependent on the intake unnatural chemicals to function. from the psychoactive stimulant of tea and coffee to snorting cocaine. yes, they feel good, but so does flying a kite on a sunny day with your friends

In Christianity- should there be no science?

What I mean is- does medical help play with God's divine plan? Should we not get flu shots, etc. because it means we're playing God? Like, allergy pills and stuff like that. Should we not use lightbulbs, computers, or anything man has made because it's unnatural and not of God?

So cons, the only way to save the middle class is to get rid of Unions, SS, medicare, & public education?

Unions are forcing middle-class jobs overseas, Social Security and Medicare are taking big enough bites out of middle-class paychecks to make it harder for the middle class to keep their bills covered and public education has been proven time and again to be an abject failure. So... I think you're finally getting it.

How to get this color dye (purple) for the tips of my hair?

Sounds pretty cool what you wanna do...I have two purple streaks in my hair that are EXACTLY that colour...I forgot the name of the hair-dye i use, but I know that you souldn't use's more of a purple-violet colour (if you know what I mean....It washes out to a more reddish pink colour, and it washes out in a matter of a month, I used it before)...the purple I used (because I decided to switch namebrands) isnt mixed with another blue, it just came out that colour, and it lasts over 3 good luck and have fun!

Unnatural colored Hair? Who can pull it off?

I am dyeing my hair an unnatural color in 3 weeks. I want to go blue, but I am second guessing it. I have fair skin thats getting a bit tanner. Hazel eyes and dirty blonde hair. I will have to bleach my hair if I want to color my hair a neon color. Could blue look good on me or should I try a different color?

Can I dye my hair an unnatural, out there color without it hindering my ability to get a job?

You already have to know that yes, it will make a difference. Unfortunately, the first thing we are judged on is are appearance. Of course it depends on the type of job you are applying for. While working in a tattoo parlor it would likely have no bearing whatsoever, but in 'corporate america' you have to be able to conform to the status quo. Maybe you could find something non permanent for the weekends that you could wash out during the week?

I like to watch movies at home & whenever I watch a movie I always need to be munching/eating something...?

Like the other person said. Eat raw vegetables like celery, carrots, cucumbers or cauliflower. But use LOW FAT Ranch or Italian dressing as a dip.

Is china completely americanized?

these are just some companies , china is still very Chinese . we have our own culture and most companies in china are native .

I have a 4 week old kitten and one day all of a sudden it stopped drinking its mothers milk.?

She is so skinny I can feel her bones and she looks so small compared to the other 3. Her name is mimi

Poll: What is your favorite 'Chain Restaurant'?

My favorite chain restaurant is called the 99. It's only a chain restaurant in the new england area. But they have the best spicy chicken wings ever! lol

Can you have a photo album on twitter?

You can add photos onto what's called TwitPic. You can upload your pictures from your mobile or upload them straight from your computer.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

?How do I get over acting weird around flamboyant gay men?

You may just have a fantasy of being with gay guy, many people fantasy but don't carry them out. However, if you did than that is not wrong. You don't have to tell someone about your sexuality. It is what you want to do and if the other people is happy with that go for it.

My mom reads my text messages?

You're just 17 and you're not old enough to say "I pay my phone bill so stay away from my cell phone". She's your mother. She's may curious on what you do as a teen, like whether you have a girlfriend, have sex, etc. She is trying to know everything possible. Just that she's not polite enough to check your texts when you're not looking. My relatives always check my inbox, but I can't say a word. They think I'm in a relationship with a my best friend after they read her texts. I hated it, but it is okay. She just needs constant updates on what you're upto. Talk to her, tell her how you feel when she reads your texts like that.

Can anyone explain Mimi on the Beach to me?

I recently discovered Jane Siberry and have been checking out a couple of her albums. I was just wondering if anyone knew what she is trying to say with this particular song. She seems to have disdain for the young adults on the beach, but I can't work out how she feels towards Mimi. What is Mimi's relationship to the other young adults on the beach? Why do they make me feel uneasy (and is that what she's trying to achieve)? And is this a made-up story or based on real life? Sorry for so many questions, but I'm really curious and can't find any information out there.

Does anyone know of a working english version of The Christmas List?

It's a 1997 tv christmas movie starring Mimi Rogers. I've been searching for a torrent and can only find foreign dubbed ones.

Im obsessed with everything! help?!?

ok im a teen girl and i get obsessed with alot of things i make everything a big deal you know like when me and my friends play cards or any kind of game ill want to keep playing when they dont anymore and ill have a crush thtat lasts like 3 years and when i want to get a new haircut ill hobb on it like allways taking about it what should i get or just allways talking abpuout it and i allways weigh the pros and cons any help here?

Can someone translate these japanese lyrics into english for me?

Copy it and go into google translator and paste it in and change the languages english to japanese and dres ur translation :)

Why do people put faith in unnatural concepts?

That kind of activity has been going on a long as time itself. The more unnatural, the more likelihood that there will be some kind of worship involved.

Does the following fairly summarize the 'christian' religion?

yipster. i can't get over the fact that one of your answerers think atheism is a religion and it involves having to believe that evolution is fact and that the big bang theory is fact. i'm an atheist and i don't fully and blindly believe these things i'm told which is more than i can say about the religious. i just happen to think a god is an impossible thing and every religion contradicts itself, doesn't give any sort of valid answers and has no facts to back it up anywhere. evolution sounds a lot more natural and believable than something that just came from nowhere based on things that nobody can even kinda prove. evolution and the big bang theory sound a lot more plausible than the stupidest fairytale ever told known as religion, i mean even snow white and the seven dwarfs sounds more likely to have really happened.

I saw some white chicks almost as brown as me today! what's up with tanning?

im armenian with off white skin that tans reallyyyy easily. but i go a brownish goldish colour and people think im latina. me personally, i enjoy lying down in the sun with friends. its warm and relaxing. maybe some white girls just like doing that.

Does any one have suggestions on truck bed liners?

I just bought a RAM 1500 Crew cab and I want to protect the bed with a liner. I do not know much about them except there are spray liners and insert liners. Can anyone give me any info, recommendations and/or pros and cons on different liners.

What are the pros and cons of the....?

i can help you with the hair straightener...a few months ago i bought the best straightener. Its called the presige pro, its tourmaline plate and goes all the way up to 450 degrees. The straighteners i had before it i thought were good but lol no i was wrong..this is so much takes half the time to straighten my hair and it leaves my hair super shiny and silky...three of my friends saw what it did to my hair and how soft and straight it was and they bought it too lol...Im sure you can find it online. I got mine from a href="" rel="nofollow" under the hair straightener section. Anyways good luck and ihope it works out for you in your new school semester :)

Frizzy Hair Help ? =(?

I used to have REALLY frizzy hair. I use TreSeme, which is a inexpensive hairproduct from Target! Get the moisture one though. And besure to condition all your hair. Not just the ends. Then use a sleek hair product and put the by your rooots. Then se TreSeme again with the heat protector. That works for me, and If i must say, my hair is flawless. The total amount probably comes up to $10-$15

Something wrong with my gagging reflex?

Lately, I'm starting to gag when I'm smoking or singing. Not going to say (private) but I am also gagging during relations with my bf (unnatural for me). I've only been smoking for a few months and don't need judgement or comments like "hurr durr smoking is bad." Should I be worried about this occuring?

Why have the YA con moderators made the name Se@n H@nnity trip the censors?

Whenever I include the Almighty One's name (according to YA cons, at least) in a question, it never posts. Why is this?

Fatal 4 Way for the Undisputed Tag Team Championship: Which team would win?

Thomas Keith Takaishi & Kari Kamiya (c) vs. Yugi Muto & Emily Osment vs. Izzy Izumi & Mimi Taichikawa vs. Joe Keto & Serenity Wheeler

What bag to wear with these shoes?

If you are wanted to get a backpack for highschool than i would suggest PUMA Foundation Backpack is the best option to get.This Puma backpack is a great start, too, with pockets and an organizer to keep all your stuff in order, and padded straps to help keep the carrying comfortable.I really like this backpack.

How to help my naturally curly, puffy hair?

Blow Dry it but don't do it so that your hair flies all over the place, start at the roots and drag it down at the same distance from your head all the way down, I found it worked for me because my hair is a giant ball of fuzz normally

Im gay but i cant really stand feminine gay guys?

im gay but sometimes the stereotypical gay guy gets on my nerves, and these are the ones that give us this bad rep. im not saying that they cant be this way but it almost seems unnatural and it bugs the living daylights out of me. like some feminine guys are actualy cool and dont bug me, but the ones that bug me ware the ones with the high pitch voices,overly skinny and always are wearing designer stuff(they comment if your not wearing the latest)

2002 Chevy Trailblazer vs. 1999 YUKON, or 2001 Tahoe?

I am looking at getting either a 2002 trailblazer ltz (nice interior and sunroof) with 145,000 miles for about $6,000, i also have found a 1999 GMC YUKON (is very well maintained and the inside is very nice!) with 185,000 for $4,200 and also have looked at a 2001 Chevy Tahoe with a 170,000 miles on it. I do not know which car i want to get can someone help me decide which car is built to last mechanically and which suv performs better than the others. I really do not know which suv i want to get so can someone please help me decide please list pros and cons of each and things i might need to know. they all look decent and nice but i am not sure which one to choose as my first car.

Savior film lullaby meaning -?

t is called "Zaspi mi,zaspi"(Sleep,oh sleep,little child). It's an old Serbian lullaby,

Did Taichi Yagami (Taichi Kamiya) really married Mimi Tachikawa in digimon?

Sorry, but no. Not in the manga or anime. The only couples that were listed as canonically married were Matt+Sora and Ken+Yolei.

A question for the guys....did your ever get it lost in the bushes ?

I got mine tangled up in a bush once, never again in fact since that day I've become positively bushest and only only ever play on well kept lawns or baron shrub land ...

Democrat/liberals support of gays?

i know this will probably be deleted by the liberals at yahoo answers,but so be it...democrats/liberals support gays which i have no problem with,but democrats/liberals fight for gays to be able to practice unnatural acts..i.e.invading an orifice which its soul purpose is to eliminate human waste,but yet will also fight tooth and nail to allow the destruction of a human life nestled in the womb of a women,and will also fight tooth and nail to save the life of a dog,and they will fight to protect the right of gays to continue to practice the unnatural act of invading an orifice meant to eliminate human waste,but they will fight to allow the destruction of a human life nestled in the womb of a women,they will fight to protect the life of a dog,but they will not fight to protect the life of a human fetus nestled in the womb of a women,but they will fight to protect the right to invade an orifice designed by nature to eliminate human waste.

Which names are better?

All of those names suck. Like they suck wicked bad. I recommend namg it justin bieber whether its a she or a he. You should think harder because they WILL get beaten up for their crappy names.

Loreal true match powder?

check out the mac mineralize skinfinish natural powder is outstanding at mac everybody raves and raves about this powder everybody has it if you have at least one thing from mac it should be this powder *** well.theirs nothing to hate about it. its a every light powder you can wear it as a foundation and build the powder up with your brush if you want more coverage it does not cake at all and its just a perfect powder for the face i have been threw 4 of these already i went to make up school for a month and now i work at mac so that is a good powder to get its 28 29$ but its well worth the money . when your putting on any kind of powder make sure you put it on every lightly and only put a little bit on the brush like one sweep and that well help *** well.

Why dont girls understand why dudes dont like tattoos(and piercings)?

I've read a couple posts recently about guys who dont like girls with tattoos, and generally the guy comes off sounding like a judgemental jerk and the people who support girls with tattoos and piercings win the arguement. In most of those posts, the guys say something like "girls with tattoos are dirty and trashy", which is often times true but by all means its not a given. That instantly makes the argument against girls with tattoos seem like a terribly one sided and stupid argument (like gay marriage or abortion), when in reality the issue with girls with body modification is extremely simple. The reason most guys dont like girls with piercings or tattoos is.......Because their not ATTRACTIVE! Girls bodies are adored because of their curves, their smooth and unscarred skin, and ultimately just natural beauty. I think i speak for most men when i say that piercings or tattoos ruin the beauty, and the prettyness (i know its not a word) of the female body. I personally wouldnt want to be in a relationship with any girl with a tattoo or piercing (not ear of course), not because i think they have a billion STD's, but because they look UNNATURAL. I dont care what the tattoo is, it looks unnatural! I dont understand why girls never seem to realize this.

Considering rhinoplasty?

Hi, well first of all let me say I am 21 years old and female. I have a huge complex with my nose and it's not something that just got to me now. You see ever since I was younger I never really like my nose. My face is small and for some reason I feel like my nose is not right. So the bridge is ok but my nose tip is very pointy and the lenght of the tip seems to be larger than it should be. Kinda makes me look nosey. I've also noticed that my nose is tilted a bit to one side and when I look at my nostrils, One of my nostrils has a bump on the nasal septum wall and the other one doesn't. I find it quite odd and I'm guessing that's why my nose is tilted a bit. I would like to fix it someday in the future and reduce the tip too but I'm a bit scared to go under the knife one day and get punished because of my vanity or stupid complex. I'm just really uncomfortable with my nose and I always try to use make up to create illusion of a smaller tip and lenght but it's hard. Is it wrong for me wanting to look a certain way? I have a lot of time to think about it but at the same time I just wanna stop obsessing over my nose and take the risk. Can anyone tell me if they had any experience with rhinoplasty. What was it like after the surgery? Did it hurt a lot? How swollen was it? What are the pros and cons?

Please what do you think of my team in pokemon black?

Your team is quite good but on the way beating the champion, you can catch Reshiram and you'll have to fight N.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Could someone translate these Japanese lyrics?

I tried on Google Translate but nothing. Maybe if you got in Spanish lyrics I can help, but the translater doesn't have Romanji.

Fable II or Fable III?

I was wondering which is a better game to buy for the xbox? Pros and cons of game play, features, graphics, ect. Any advice is appreciated!

What's the pain in my pinkie toe?

Months ago I was skipping along in my house when all of the sudden I accidentally rammed my pinkie toe on the leg of a chair, bending the toe back in an unnatural position. Even though this event possibly happened about 6 months ago, my toe still hurts and I am unable to touch it without hurting myself. I was told when going to the doctor for a broken pinkie toe all they can really do is tape your pinkie toe to the toe beside it. So if my toe is broken I don't feel it is worth a doctor's appointment, so could something else be wrong with my toe that I should go to my doctor for?

What if we became an isolationist country, again?

Thinking out of the box, hey? I do not think it would be a bad idea at all. Occupying other countries is what led to 9/11. We can not go on policing the world like we are. We need to get out of the U.N. and in fact get our own government out of our private lives and let us deal with and regulate at a local and state level. Each state knows their needs and shouldn't be dictated as they are today.

Why do Humans refuse to admit that they are failures of evolution?

It's just so frustrating and arrogant how Humans refuse to admit that they are just a failed product of evolution, since their bodies are too frail for them to survive in the wild and compete with regular animals without having to resort to using their monstrously bloated brains to invent all sorts of unnatural technology to destroy the environment. Humans are also inferior because they have only been around for about two million years, while many other types of animals such as the Dinosaurs have been around far longer. Why won't Humans just admit that they are inferior evolutionary failures?

Pro's & Cons of going to beach camp?

The biggest pro is that its for church. As far as the cons, the only thing I can see is that your mom may miss you while you are gone.

How would i ask my grandmother this?

please dont be embarrassed... your grandmother knows all about it and she has been your age too. you can ask her anything, shes going to know the answer. white stuff is discharge and it comes before your period, this doesnt mean you will start it any time soon.

What does it mean when two Bunny's do this..?

the girl may be looking for a mate and although hes not old enough that wont stop her. I would separate them and introduce them slowly put them in separate cages until they are used to each other BUT the saying is true when it is said they breed like rabbits in a couple of months instead of two you could have 20... be careful and spay/neuter

Please choose the best name out of the options listed below:?

I think the best name to choose out of the options listed is Angel. The name "Angel" tells you many characteristics when your saying Angel. I always think of a warmhearted person when I think or say Angel.

Why so many gnats in my house?

I have spent the day running around my house killing gnats randomly. Lately there has been an unusual amount flying around. So I was taking a piss and i noticed a lot on the shower curtain so after I finished i went and checked the tub and there were at least 50 maybe even more gnats just sitting in the tub, I immediately freaked out and got my mom stating that there was "an unnatural amount of gnats". My whole family is baffeled and we are freaking out at how gross this is... WHY ARE THEY ALL IN HERE? help?!

What is one of your bad habits?

one of my mini is getting stuck on a celeb for a while and sort of being consumed by them.i consider that a really bad habit.because i know that fame is very unnatural.your turn

Why do VEGETARIANS think eating meat is so unnatural when we've been doing it for thousands of years?

It seem to be one of the most natural things to part take in right next to sex in my opinion. We have been surviving off of it for this long and seem to be doing just fine. This wasn't an attempt to bash any vegetarians out there, i would actually like to her from you.

I just dyed my hair red. Can i go swimming?

I have naturally dark brown/black hair and 2 days ago I bleached streaks into my hair, and then dyed it red with N'Rage crimson red hair dye. Since it is an unnatural semi-permnant hair color, will the chlorine turn it orange?

What is better, foundation, or tinted moisturizer?

I have sensitive skin, and I would use concealer with it. Which should I use for it not to look cakey or unnatural?

Which of these Magic the Gathering cards are the best?

I must disagree with Mr. Stone on this one. There can be truly terrible magic cards. In any case, In the current situation, Phyrexian Crusader is one of the best. Up until recently however, I might have said Crush because it can destroy the Swords and Batterskull.

Need some serious relationship advice!?

C'mon court, I know how had its been for u. I have experienced it before. I am only 13 but I have been in two relationships. I didnt luv the person in the first relationship bcos I didnt luv him I loved another break up if u arent happy it is better to be alone than to be with someone unworthy for u

Is this girl really mean and rude or is it just my imagination?

Not all pretty girls are mean and I'll bet you're not hideous. She's happens to be pretty because it would be near impossible to gain that kind of popularity and not be pretty. Most likely she is just jealous of how smart or pretty you are. I know it sounds cliche but it is so true. Almost everyone makes fun of someone else at some point in their life because they want something someone else has.

What can I do to fix my inward-turning feet?

yes it probably was a habit you picked up or a condition you both inherited. it wold be easier to fix now than when your older, but still you have done alot of growing already and so may be difficult to fix. it only sounds like a cosmetic problem and not a medical problem so no need to worry about your health, but go see an orthopediatrician and they will be abel to show you your options, they may gives you braces for your legs or at the worst have an operation to pin your legs straight , but that is highly unlikey becuase you problem is not medical.

Which looks better on me? RED HAIR or DARK HAIR?

Both looks good but I'd say the brown cause it looks more of like your natural color and I like darker hair better..

How do you get a stupid friend off your back? plz help!?

Hi! i really need help. i used to have a best friend who's name is Norman Kulach. We used to be bestfriends and he's been a total jerk! he wanted to be bff but he blew that chance off. one time there was a 8th grade dance show and he was dancing to a girl song. So i told him " Norman what are you doing? your the only one dancing to a girl song!". He said back " I just wanna have fun!". i told him that bcuz i didnt wanna get embarassed by a lot of students. then at the end of the day he told the teacher on me! (trust me this isnt my fault!) listen guys i just wanted to protect him from being humiliated from other kids and he told on me! geez what kind of friend would do that! after that he totally destroyed me! he liked my crush who's name is Sarah Nemshick! My loyal classmates eavesdropped on what Norman was saying and they heard he loved all the girls! He also said bad things about me! he told me i was a DUMB ACER! (btw idk how to spell that!) i was pretty upset about that. but we did gossip about him. here r the main side dishes about him. he's a compulsive liar. he's a freak because he always stares at me. he is dumb. he is ugly.he gets bad grades.he's not a good friend.he brags about getting a mini fridge,tv,IPad,and a LASER PRINTER!. HE ALSO BRINGS $25 TO SCHOOL EVERYDAY FOR LUNCH! I REALLY WANNA CUSS AT HIM! WHAT A RETARDED FREAK! AND THIS IS mimi m's son. im also in the 5TH GRADE

Fogging up in my VW Passat 98?

No matter what setting I have my air con on I still get a fogged up window. Some sort of dust/smoke is coming into the car via the vents. I have managed to have the air con on low and it doesn't do anything but it doesn't help when its freezing!

Opinions on a song I wrote?

It sounds good but at the end i'd probaly have the chorus 2 times first then comeing off that the fade out bit at the very end

Good idea for a story, or not?

It is about two main people, 12 year old Antanasia Svensson and her 5 year sister Mimi, they are from Sweeden. They were twins, non-dentical, but when they were both 5, Mimi got bitten by a vampire, the same one who killed their parents while they watched, for the past 7 years Antanasia has been looking after her sister, stealing bloodbags for her if neccessary. They made their way to a small town in North Carolina called Parksville. Soon after, Antanasia reveals to her sister that she is ill, and that she will die. One day, Antanasia is kidnapped by a vampire, the 12(Actually a lot older but appears this way) year old son of the vampire who killed her parents. He was fallen in love with her and wants to make her his, she refuses, but he is so annoyed he doesn't notice that she is ill and locks her in a room till she comes to her senses. Meanwhile Mimi is out looking for Antanasia, without any luck. Mimi finds out from a vampire who saw her sister get kidnapped that the son is evil and a bite from him will make you a vampire, but very painflly, and they seem rabid until it is over, and that he knews where they are. Mimi goes to the place and finds Antanasia sitting in the corner, she helps her sister up but then sees that Antanasia was bitten, she backs off and watches as she is about to kill her. The son stops Antanasia, saying that it isn't time yet. Antanasia howls in pain but the son strokes her head, saying that it's allright. Mimi has a flashback to when they were 5 and their parents were killed. Antanasia goes through the slow painful transformation into a vampire, but in her head she is denying everything that has happened, at the end she collapses, then Mimi comes in, and Antanasia looks up, with fangs and glowing red eyes

Monday, July 11, 2011

How do I wear this black dress to high school?

I think that wearing white jewelry, like bangles, to accentuate the white stripes on the dress would look amazing. There is kind of a nautical vibe to the dress, and I think wearing a navy blue cardigan would look really good... and throw in a splash of color somewhere (headband or shoes) to make the colors really pop!

SURVEY: give one name. A teacher that you think he/she hates you. Why?

Me: Ms. Mimi, when I was 9 y/o, because I was mischievous and lazy that time and always got B's rather than A's. And I hate her too

LGBT poll: I need help with convincing my friend it's not wrong that I'm gay?

I would first ask her if she eats shellfish, because it says in the bible that eating shellfish is wrong, yet 98% percent of Americans eat it. Ask her when she choose to be straight and she what she says, and say that you never choose to be gay. Tell her the scientific proof that homosexuals are different than heterosexuals, like how the hypothalamus is larger in gay men than heterosexual men.

Thinking of dying my hair?

I wanna dye my hair blue but I'm wondering if I may end up regretting it. I'm 13. So, if you could help me decide the pros and cons, wheather or not I should do it. Thanks.

Shouldn't men be the ones wearing makeup, dressing up, tanning, dieting, etc.?

You have to take into consideration that it's different for humans because women are after men's money so they have to place a lot of emphasis on their appearance. If men were after women's money then men would be the ones who have to place a lot of emphasis on their appearance. Women don't get all dolled up for nothing they do it in order to attract the man with the fattest wallet.

Worried mimi high blood pressure and just started period is that bad....?

hi my blood pressure was 110/100 when the nurse took it. Also I was there for a bladder infection because frequent urination, pain when I went pee and chills. I don't suffer doctor phobia alltought I was thinking I had anxiety startle. I just started my period so idk if that the cause but I didn't drink very much water soo what can cause blood pressure to rise??? I am a virgin and 19.

Kidney problems question?

Mimi is brought to the clinic by her parents. Though she is 23 years old and 5'5 tall, she weighs only 90 pounds. She insists there is nothing wrong, except for some lower back pains. The clinic staff quickly realizes that the young woman is anorexic. What kidney problems might result from extremely low body weight?

Do i really need an audio interface?

I've been told numerous times that if i am going to be doing home recordings, that i have to have an audio interface. Right now i have a 12 channel mixer with a digital USB output. Do i still need the interface? Should i have one? Why and why not? And what are the pros and cons of having the mixer as opposed to the interface?

How should i darken my skin for the summer?

well, to start off, im ginger. hahahhaa! get your laughs outtt lmfao but w.e so i absolitley HATE being this white. im not saying i nesecarily want a tan but just a tint b.c id look gross and so unattural especially on me. i heard if you mikx regular lotion with self tanning lotion itll make it so it doesnt look unnatural. if anyone has tried this does it work? i dont want to try it and regret it looking like a carrot. hahaha so yeah if theres any other suggestions, let me know! thanks:D

Is this girl really mean and rude or is it just my imagination?

What you're describing is mean. This other girl is insecure and can only feel good by putting other people down. Just ignore it and don't let it affect you. It's not a reflection on you.

Why do you oppose same-sex marriage?

And not just 'because it's wrong/unnatural/a sin', or 'because it goes against the traditional values of marriage'. If you oppose it, i want to know WHY, specifically.

What are the pros and cons of immigration and how does it effect our economy?

Think about it? We have a high unemployment rate all over and it has to with immigration. Segregation is the answer.

What hair color would go well with my eyes?

My eyes are a very dark brown (nearly black sometimes) most of the time but about 30% of the time they are very light. I love blue black hair, but I'm also pretty pale. I am dying my hair soon with temporary dye. I want to know what natural and unnatural color would make my eyes stand out. My natural color is light ashy brown. Thank you!

Thoughts on these baby names?

None of these are really my taste but I just wanted to ask why in his name would you want a nickname for a name that is already a nickname in and of itself? I'm talking about Abbey. And, if you did choose a nickname for Abbey, why on God's green earth would you choose something that refers to a body part? Abdominal muscles...abs......yeah. Not attractive.

Why do Humans refuse to admit that they are failures of evolution?

It's just so frustrating and arrogant how Humans refuse to admit that they are just a failed product of evolution, since their bodies are too frail for them to survive in the wild and compete with regular animals without having to resort to using their monstrously bloated brains to invent all sorts of unnatural technology to destroy the environment. Humans are also inferior because they have only been around for about two million years, while many other types of animals such as the Dinosaurs have been around far longer. Why won't Humans just admit that they are inferior evolutionary failures?

What do you think of my STORY so far?

It's catchy.. I'm wondering, though, Is he in any pain other than his headache? does he feel anything at all? Or is he gonna walk away without a scratch?

Opening a one of a kind restaurant?

I would like to open a very unique, but simple restaurant. It's not going to be a big place but it will be comfy. About how much would I need up front to start on this project and what are some pros and cons about opening up my own restaurant?

Can you suggest some contemporary musical theater songs for soprano?

this song may not be contemporary but it is very beautiful and would probably help......... Auf Dem Wasser Du Singen by Franz Shubert. :)

Why does my cousin act this way?

Ok so I'm 19 and my (male) cousin is 23. We've grown up together pretty close; our mothers are sisters and kinda like best friends. He was the only child, and I had a younger brother. When we were younger he would always play with me and carry me around; kinda treating me like his baby sister. Well when I turned about 6 or 7 my parents moved us to another state and we only would visit about once every other month now. Our family is still close, but the visits decreased and so we don't exactly "know" each other as well. Especially when we became teenagers, we were in different worlds considering he is older than me. I started dating at 16, and every time I would visit he would ask questions about my significant other with bitterness. Then behind my back tell my Mimi "she's just too young be dating" well I got serious with this one guy when I turned 18, he was actually a friend of his. He hated it. He would all the time make comments about him, tell my Mimi he thought he was "no good" and said he wished I would find someone better. Constantly nagging me about the situation. And when we were together he was all happy and hanging out with me, but the minute my boyfriend showed up he was quiet and acted like he was pissed. I asked him "what's your problem. I'm 18 and I love this guy" he said "I just don't like him, he's weird". Months down the road we ended up breaking up. He was happy about it. Well 4 months later I'm with this other guy. Someone he doesn't know. And I really love him. I haven't visiting since Christmas, so I finally did this past weekend, with my wonderful boyfriend. We met up with my cousins and went fishing, same old scenario with my cousin. He ignored him, didn't even give try to bond. When I got home I sent a text to all my family thanking them for letting us visit. He responded "he's cool....I guess" What's my cousins deal? I don't get it.

What color should I dye my eyebrows?

I've decided that I'm going to start wearing wigs. I plan on wearing many different colored wigs (black, blonde, unnatural colors). However, I'm very pale and my eyebrows are naturally almost black. I'm afraid that this will make some of the wigs look cheap or really fake. What color should I dye my eyebrows that is a good all-round color that won't look weird with any color of wig?

Pregnant whilst taking the mini pill!?

The mini pill is only affective if taken at the same time every day. The hormone is not in your system as long as estrogen(hormone in normal pill) So you must take the mini pill at the same time every day.

What are some vegetarian options at fastfood restaurants?

I am going vegetarian and vegan when I can... What are some vegetarian/vegan choices at fast food restaurants? Such as: Sonic, Taco Bell, Burger King, and Arby's. Also, maybe O'Charlie's, Logan's, Mimi's Cafe, Brixx...

My friend's cat was just killed today by a speeding car and she just had kittens a week ago what should we do?

an hour ago my friend mary came over to inform us her cat mimi was hit by a car, she just got home from work we live down the street from her so we went over there (my boyfriend and myself to examinate her she still had a low heart beat but was in unconscious state more in shock and she had blood coming from her mouth and nose most likey internal bleeding. our friend took her to her veterinarian were there was nothing they could do she was pronounced dead there, her cat had kittens a week ago (three) one passed away two survived one she's keeping the other she's giving to us since our kitten recently passed away a few weeks ago that we found abandoned! the vet told us not to pump her milk because of the internal bleeding (blood in her milk that can make them sick) so we didin't and buried her instead, she usually don't allow her cats outside she has two grown cats that she's gonna get fixed and the two kittens plus her dog. what do we do about the babies? the vet suggested we buy current milk and a bottle from them but what else could we do for the poor things besides that!! please help us...