Monday, July 11, 2011

My friend's cat was just killed today by a speeding car and she just had kittens a week ago what should we do?

an hour ago my friend mary came over to inform us her cat mimi was hit by a car, she just got home from work we live down the street from her so we went over there (my boyfriend and myself to examinate her she still had a low heart beat but was in unconscious state more in shock and she had blood coming from her mouth and nose most likey internal bleeding. our friend took her to her veterinarian were there was nothing they could do she was pronounced dead there, her cat had kittens a week ago (three) one passed away two survived one she's keeping the other she's giving to us since our kitten recently passed away a few weeks ago that we found abandoned! the vet told us not to pump her milk because of the internal bleeding (blood in her milk that can make them sick) so we didin't and buried her instead, she usually don't allow her cats outside she has two grown cats that she's gonna get fixed and the two kittens plus her dog. what do we do about the babies? the vet suggested we buy current milk and a bottle from them but what else could we do for the poor things besides that!! please help us...

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