Sunday, July 10, 2011

How do I fix my hair?!?! I don't know what to do!!!?

Okay. I started dying my hair when I was 12 years old. Between 12-14 I only dyed my hair like, 5 times. Then, when I turned 15, I started doing stuff like bleaching, and multiple dyes. I am now sixteen and I have colored my hair about 15 times and bleached it totally about 5-6 times, not including highlights, which I have done those about 5 times too. I bleached it blonde, and I think I left it in for too long, because some strands started falling out. Recently, I decided to go from a beautiful blonde color I actuall like, to a bright bright unnatural red. So, like a bad ***, I went to school with it and they kicked me out until I changed it because it was "too distracting". And I was pissed. I tryed an auburn color, and it turned it bright purple and white. I was, again, angry and I had already spent about 15 dollars on dyes that weren't turning out. Anyway, so I ran out and spent FIVE more dollars on some black hair dye which did not come out black at all. It came out all ashy and brown. But I delt with it. Anyway, summer vacation came and I bleached my bangs blonde and I put dyed them blue. And then, I hit the local pool for the summer and it turns out, blue hair dye and chlorine = green hair. Plus, after swimming, everytime I would wash my hair, as it would dry, it would be hard, like, I had dryed syrup in my hair, and then when I brushed it, it looked like straw. So yet again, (this is about a month after the brown incident) I ran out and got a brown/red color. I tryed to dye it and the color took in some areas and just stayed brown in others, and when I washed it, the blue/green was still visible and it looked gray. It looked horryfying. (This was about two weeks ago) So while it was still wet, I put in a hot oil treatment and then some leave in nourishing conditioner. And it started falling out when I brushed it. As any normal human would, I FREAKED. I had about breast legnth hair, and here it is falling out. So I just delt with it, went to sleep that night, and when I woke up, I got a shower, let it dry, went to brush it, and the back was shoulder legnth. MY HAIR FELL OUT, PEOPLE! I was so upset. I had the hair on either sides of my face that were still breast legnth, and the back was a good 5 inches shorter. So anyway, I cut it myself and it felt healthier. I waited two days, and it seemed fine. So I went swimming and when I got out of the pool, my boyfriend looked at me horrified and said "You're hair is GREEN!" and I wa like "Woah. WTF?" and I looked and sure enough... It was. So now, I am sitting here with brownish green hair and I don't know what to do. And now it's doind the hard thing again. :( Any suggestions on how I can make my hair healthy again without cutting it? Or spending hundreds of dollars at a salon. (And I don't plan on dying it again, so please, no one use that as a suggestion.)

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