Monday, July 11, 2011

Help! I just got a japanese straight perm yesterday and it is soooo flat.?

Basically, I was only planning to have a hair cut yesterday. It was the worst hair cut I HAVE EVER GOTTEN. My hair is thick, wavy, dry, and a bit frizzy. The lady was completely confident of what she was doing. She thinned out ALLL My hair. Then she added layers. My hair was terrible. I knew that if I kept it like that... the next day my hair would be a fuzz ball. So, I just went to another hair dresser and got a japanese perm which was probably dumb. The hair is great, but it doesn't look natural. My hair is so thin now. I cried for so long. It is really just flat and unnatural. How should I make it look more natural? More volume? My face is round so the hair doesn't really work well. I like the straight perm... but it just doesn't LOOK NATURAL. I am 100 percent sure if that hairdresser before didn't thin it/layer it and made it so short (WHICH I TOLD HER NOT TO) that the perm would look sooooo much better. HELP?

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